"Our Individuality makes us unique, our abnormailty makes us interesting."

Requiem's Chosen

• Name: Emory Grey
• Title: Requiem
• Age: 26
• Gender: Male
• Height: 163cm
• Weight: 51kg

• Weapons: Velvet Vixen (Katana)

• Physical Description:
Emory Grey, the man-created-god of beauty; flawless in every aspect of the word as he is the embodiment of seduction and temptation. Brown skin merely smoothing over curvaceous muscles and a frame that could only be described as angelic. Masculine features decorated in natural cosmetics add to his graceful demeanor as ebony strands of silken hair cascades over his face, shoulders, and torso before resting slightly above his waist; an amber-hued gaze piercing past long lashes and dark eye shadowing would send chills up any opponent and ally alike as his pupils hold a serpentine slit.

When it comes to clothing Emory has an impeccable and exotic taste as he whether intentionally or not must put his body on display. His attire could range from Armani suits to downright fetish enticing leather; but despite his beautiful appearance he is the Devil himself behind the shroud of an Angel in God’s grace.


I am not an artist, mangaka, or author in any way, shape, or form. Any materials used are solely for the purposes of role playing. All credit belongs to its respective places.
The following themes may be present at any time on this account:
• Abuse
• Dark
• Gore
• Mature
* Sexual Acts
• Violent Acts

Curious Cat

『 Can I tell you that in my eyes not even God would be good enough to command you? 』

Mental State: Sadistic and cruel is this man's nature to the very end. His strange pleasure in killing humans is proof of his attitude towards his ‘superior’ existence. Despite the fact that it was by the hand of man that he came into being he holds no signs of moral dilemma in murdering those ‘primates’ he deems unworthy of a future in a world of strong and stronger; or just maybe, his nature dates back to the reason he was made, to murder and seduce men and woman alike who hold significance in the world.

✓ Feel free to ask to RP!
✓ Feel free to send me a random starter
✓ Feel free to ask me to send YOU a starter

☐ If you're sending the starter, or asking me to send one, please help me create a neutral setting
☐ Please have a character reference on hand so I know what I'm working with (both character looks and personality. Hard to RP with a ghost.)

✗ Do not expect smut right away
✗ Do not make me do all the work
✗ Do not send me one liner replies
✗ Do not just send me one liner starters
✗ Do not God Mod


✓ I am open to shipping of all sorts (friendships, hate-ships, bromances, and single love-ship), but only if I feel absolutely comfortable with you.

☐ I don't really do auto-shipping unless I straight up feel for the characters, and if I feel comfortable with you.
☐ If you and I have been talking about shipping our characters, or at the very least dancing around the idea, but we've stopped talking about it for a very long time- I've probably come to terms with the fact that you probably don't want to ship with me. Especially if I've brought it up on several occasions and you've passed me off or continuously "forget" to send replies to things in regards of said ship!

✗ Do not expect me to ship our characters together right away. I need to feel for these things!


𝒦𝑒𝓎 𝑀𝒶𝓅
❣ ≑ this would be fantastic
♥ ≑ would sell your first born for this

Polar Opposites ❣
▸ Two completely contrasting personalities | body types coming together in harmony (doesn't have to be both of those, one or the other)

Sinners & Saints ♥
▸ Very precious innocent how-are-you-still-alive character and a look-at-me-the-wrong-way-and-I'll-cut-you character smashed together in gloriousness.